If you haven't already heard, Destiny 2: Lightfall brought a new collectable to chase after you round out the campaign. Nimbus has special action figures scattered across Neomuna that you can search out. Our guide here has the location of the first two Nimbus figures. If you already have your first two figures though, here is your guide for the second set of Nimbus action figures.
Zephyr Concourse

Zephyr Concourse holds the unique encounter for Nimbus' first action figure this week. Approach the juice bar located at the outdoor dining area in Zephyr Concourse. Behind the counter you will find a tablet you can interact with. Start the encounter and begin serving your patrons as Neomuna's latest bartender.

The key with the encounter is that you need to stay behind the bar the enitre time or the encounter will reset. After you have slain enough Cabal, Nimbus' figure will appear in the location of the tablet.
Maya's Retreat

This figure is slightly more involved than the other ones to get. Start by heading to Maya's Retreat via the fast travel point if you have it unlocked (if not no worries, go down to the south east corner of Liming Harbor). Look for the cave formation from the Lightfall campaign pictured above. To the right and lower left of Dunnce pictured above there are two cag formations. First go to the upper right cave and look for a large golden bowl with an interact.

Now go back out of the cave and take the lower path below. There will be a cave directly under that path. The second bowl will be in that cave, activate this one as well.

For the third bowl, come back out of the cave and go right. Follow that path till you can see a large canyon with another cliff across the way. I recommend Strand of course but get over there however you see fit. Behind the large rock formation, you will see your third and final bowl. Once youactivate the fire, your action figure will spawn behind it.

That is it for this week make sure to stay tuned to DestinyTracker as we continue to provide you the stats, metas, and guides you need to be the best on the field.
How did you cross the canyon? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @Suttledge