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Items - Sparrows

Icon depicting 5p 3AR.
5p 3ARVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Acroamatis.
AcroamatisVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Adonis Blue.
Adonis BlueVehicle, Exotic"In summer, children would catch insects in jars just to admire the color of their wings. I've never seen them. I don't know if I ever will."—Ikora…
Icon depicting Aerodynamic Chassis.
Aerodynamic ChassisVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Afterglow.
AfterglowVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting All-Terrain Explorer.
All-Terrain ExplorerVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Alliance Drop Ship.
Alliance Drop ShipVehicle, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Allstar Vector.
Allstar VectorVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Alpine Dash.
Alpine DashVehicle, ExoticThe road is made by driving.
Icon depicting Always on Time.
Always on TimeVehicle, ExoticEvery second counts.
Icon depicting Andromeda Racer.
Andromeda RacerVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Another Inspired Idea.
Another Inspired IdeaVehicle, Exotic"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Strap yourself to a rocket? Be reasonable, Marcus. …Just the engine? Hmm. You're right. That does change things." —Amanda Holliday
Icon depicting Any Other Sky.
Any Other SkyVehicle, Exotic"Future me will thank me." —Elsie Bray
Icon depicting Aoki/Faas Mk. VII.
Aoki/Faas Mk. VIIVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Approaching Infinity.
Approaching InfinityVehicle, ExoticThe limit does not exist.
Icon depicting Archangel's Alacrity.
Archangel's AlacrityVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Archangel's Refit.
Archangel's RefitVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Argent Turbo.
Argent TurboVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Ash Angel.
Ash AngelVehicle, ExoticYou're in a class all your own.
Icon depicting Assembly Rider.
Assembly RiderVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Asymmetric Force.
Asymmetric ForceVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Atlas Runner.
Atlas RunnerVehicle, ExoticHere to help you carry the load.
Icon depicting August Courser.
August CourserVehicle, Exotic"The Light's reach is vast, Guardian; it goes wherever you're willing to carry it."—The Speaker
Icon depicting Aurum Pace.
Aurum PaceVehicle, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Azimuth Runner.
Azimuth RunnerVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Azure Azazyel.
Azure AzazyelVehicle, ExoticPrimarily used on the ice caps of Mars during the Golden Age.
Icon depicting Barebones SL-19.
Barebones SL-19Vehicle, ExoticAn exceptionally lightweight carbon fiber frame that promises smooth-as-butter suspension and a swift ride.
Icon depicting Barnstormer.
BarnstormerVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Blacklight Razor.
Blacklight RazorVehicle, ExoticMounted with harmonized twin pulse engines for a blazing attack.
Icon depicting Blast Chariot.
Blast ChariotVehicle, Exotic"I watched this baby rip a trench into the ground out in the flats. Maybe tune it down a bit." —Amanda Holliday
Icon depicting Blistering Slipstream.
Blistering SlipstreamVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Blood Runner.
Blood RunnerVehicle, ExoticRemember the lost. Repay the debt.
Icon depicting Blood in the Water.
Blood in the WaterVehicle, ExoticLet the feeding frenzy commence.
Icon depicting Bold Chapalu.
Bold ChapaluVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting BrayTech DREAM9.
BrayTech DREAM9Vehicle, Exotic"Heh, well, I was startin' to get a little stircrazy on Mars… so I figured, hey, why not start a project?" —Ana Bray
Icon depicting Bright Nostalgia.
Bright NostalgiaVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Brumeswept Night.
Brumeswept NightVehicle, ExoticBy the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
Icon depicting Bucca's Jollyboat.
Bucca's JollyboatVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Bucephalus III.
Bucephalus IIIVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Bump And Run.
Icon depicting Bumper Boat.
Bumper BoatVehicle, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Burnout.
BurnoutVehicle, ExoticFight fire with fire. And fight everything else with fire, too.
Icon depicting Canopus Trireme.
Canopus TriremeVehicle, Exotic"I found it on a corroding disk on Venus. A Golden Age map plotting a chart all the way to Sirius. Such ambition… They never got to use it."—Tenet-2
Icon depicting Cardinal Directive.
Cardinal DirectiveVehicle, ExoticYou may not always know where you're going, but you know how you'll get there.
Icon depicting Celestial Horn.
Celestial HornVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Charge of Light.
Charge of LightVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Chelicerate Visitor.
Chelicerate VisitorVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Chemical Burn.
Chemical BurnVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Chill of Winter.
Chill of WinterVehicle, ExoticThe Dawning comes once a year. Some wish it would take a little longer.
Icon depicting Circumpolar Light.
Circumpolar LightVehicle, ExoticUniversal heat death? Nah. Not while you're around.
Icon depicting Clean Sweep.
Clean SweepVehicle, ExoticA favorite of intermediate SRL racers.
Icon depicting Color of Speed.
Color of SpeedVehicle, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Common Nobility.
Common NobilityVehicle, Exotic
Icon depicting Concentric Dawn.
Concentric DawnVehicle, Exotic"Study the sacred geometry of light and life." —Ikora Rey

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