Massive Breakdown of a Points-Based Meta Game That I Believe Could Revitalize the End-Game
Written by Mercules904
If you would like to hear more ideas or suggestions (constructively formatted) that I think could help bring the end-game back to Destiny, check out this week's Massive Breakdown Podcast!
First things first: The main idea I want is to bring back in scoring for Heroic and Nightfall events. Secondary, I'd want to be able to select which Adventure, Story, or Strike you want to do from the Director instead of needing to go into a random playlist, while also adding a Weekly Heroic strike playlist, Daily Heroic Story Mission, and a Daily Heroic Adventure (in addition to the Weekly Nightfall and Prestige Nightfall). Selecting the stories, strikes, and adventures individually would allow people to practice and shoot for higher scores, even if they didn't get rewards.
So each reset your options would look like this:
Weekly Heroic Strike Playlist - Modifiers chosen by Bungie, random strikes, matchmaking. Standard strike rewards. Lowest par scores to trigger bonus rewards. Weekly Prestige Nightfall - The Inverted Spire (Par score 50,000, triple rewards from the Heroic versions). Rewards given once per week per character. Weekly Nightfall - The Inverted Spire (Par score 33,000, double rewards from the Heroic versions). Rewards given once per week per character.Daily Heroic Story - The Almighty (Par score 20,000)Daily Heroic Adventure - Red Legion, Black Oil (Par score 10,000)
This is just my own personal opinion, but it's something I initially thought would have helped when they added strike scoring back in RoI. A significant portion of the good memories I have from playing Halo include the score based meta-game in the campaign, where Skulls gave you points multipliers, as did finishing in under certain time limits. I specifically remember playing levels over and over again, until I had them almost completely memorized, so that I could finish them quickly and perfectly enough to finally get the score needed to obtain the achievements. 15,000 points on Crows Nest was not a big deal, but damn if getting 50,000 on The Ark and The Covenant wasn't incredibly difficult, while remaining fun.
I haven't felt the need to ever play any of the end game content over and over again, but these score based Challenges would have me playing constantly, even when I've already earned my rewards, just for the fun of trying to set a new high score. This type of game-play provides a reason for the player who already has all the rewards to stick around a keep playing, and to really attain a mastery of the different missions.
What I'm asking for is simple, and I think we bring a whole new level of playability to Destiny:
Add optional scoring to all PvE activities (either individual or as a fireteam), and add achievements and rewards to the game for getting certain scores in each activity.
For example, the Nightfall each week would be a strike with a certain par score that has to be achieved. No set time-limit or set modifiers. The party leader would chose what modifiers they want to use and you would load into the game. The Weekly Heroic would be the same thing, but a different strike with an easier to achieve par score, and fewer rewards. Daily Heroic Story Missions and Adventures would follow the same principle.
Here's what I suggest:
Points for kills
Enemies: Thrall, Cursed Thrall, Dregs, Shanks, Goblins, Harpies, Legionaries, Psions, War Beasts, Scoprius - 5Vandals, Acolytes, Hobgoblins, Phalanxes, Incendiors, Wretches - 10Servitors, Knights, Ogres, Hydras, Centurions, Gladiators, Marauders - 15Captains, Wizards, Colossus, Minotaurs - 20Orange Bars - 2xNamed Enemies - 3xUltra Boss - 150
Pike - 10Heavy Pike - 20Fallen Walker - 50Interceptor - 20Goliath Tank - 50Point Modifiers
Choose one Difficulty Setting, which gives you your base multiplier:
Normal - 1xHeroic - 2xEpic - 4x
Choose any Positive Difficulty Modifiers (Increased Difficulty = More Points):
Angry - 1.5xPrism - 1.5xAttrition - 1.5xMomentum - 1.5xLightswitch - 1.5xJuggler - 2xNightfall (Bring back restarting if all players die) - 3x
Choose any Negative Difficulty Modifiers (Decreased Difficulty = Less Points):
Torrent - Minus 2.5x
Choose any Burns (No effect on Points, but increases both player and AI damage dealt and taken for the respective element by 3x):
Time Bonus (It would be different for each specific type of event, but lets use strikes as an example):
0-10: 3x10-15: 2.5x15-20: 2.0x20-25: 1.5x25+: 1.0x
Points Deductions:
Death - 250
Point Additions:
Reviving an ally - 150
Scores could be tracked on a leaderboard, and in-game achievements could be given out for hitting certain thresholds.
You would get to select the activity you want to do, then the fireteam leader would pick the modifiers and away you'd go. Each activity would have a unique piece of gear associated with it, that has a chance to drop at the end, be it armor or a weapon or mod. After each completion you'd earn a token, and once you earn enough tokens (10 or so) you could take them to Zavala or Ikora and buy the item, to counteract RNG being cruel.
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