With the very recent completion of the Stage of the Empyrean Foundation players soon noticed that the Tower Obelisk was offering a ‘Light the Beacon’ prompt with the Quest ‘Worthy’ floating above the Obelisk.
Once the Obelisk was interacted with a short cutscene would play where the player Guardian would land on a platform at the Lighthouse and place The Lantern of Osiris Artifact into a small slot in the center of the platform.
Soon after a bright beam of Light would shoot up into the sky and the cutscene would fade to black.
Soon after the Empyrean Foundation had been completed, and a few of the early Guardians had viewed this special cutscene, Bungie revealed via all of their socials a short ViDoc titled “Destiny 2: Season of the Worthy - Trials of Osiris Returns”.
The ViDoc itself is a standard Bungie affair with numerous producers and developers that are working on Destiny 2 giving small bits of information on the upcoming Trials of Osiris and reminiscing about the older variant.
Here are a few of the more important pieces that we learned from the video:
Elimination Game Mode
This is something that shouldn't really come as a surprise for people who have been following the leaks surrounding the new Trials of Osiris as many things pointed towards Elimination being the game mode for the event.
Elimination is an intense 3v3 game mode where players are only given a single life but are still able to revive their downed teammates. To win round, players must defeat all three players on the enemy team before the time runs out, otherwise, overtime will be activated and an additional win condition of a single capture zone will spawn on the map. The match is first to five round wins.
Power Level Enabled
Like Iron Banner, Power level advantages will be enabled for Trials of Osiris meaning players with a higher Power level will deal more damage to and take less damage from lower Power level players.
This is designed to reward players that have sunk a significant amount of playtime into Destiny 2 but in reality, it just skews the competitive nature of the mode. Players with a large amount of playtime are already given the advantage of having weapons with better stats and perks so to give them an added advantage of doing more damage with those weapons just compromises the integrity of the mode.
Returning Maps from Destiny 1
Alongside the release of Trials of Osiris will be 3 maps from Destiny 1 that have been remade. These maps have been confirmed to be a part of the Elimination map rotation so, hopefully, they will almost be included in some of the other 4v4 and 6v6 modes.
Exodus Blue
Returning Armor and Weapons
The reveal ViDoc also confirmed for us that the Egyptian-themed Armor and Weapons from the original Trials of Osiris will be returning. This Armor set was known as the ‘Sublime Light’ set and was very popular amongst the community due to its unique aesthetic.
This armor will soon be able to be obtained again through Trials of Osiris and in addition, certain parts of the armor will glow if the wearer has achieved the ‘Flawless’ status.
Here is a sneak peek at the gear set and the armor glow:
So when is Trials set to officially release?
It was confirmed at the end of the ViDoc that Trials of Osiris will be returning on March 13th in the new Season of the Worthy.
As Season of the Worthy is set to release on March 9th, this puts the release of Trials at its typical Friday start time and will most likely run until late Sunday like it did in Destiny 1. This will repeat every weekend.