The latest Season is in full swing with Guardians tracking and destroying Wrathborn across the system in order to stop the Hive God Xivu Arath from creating an army.
These ‘Wrathborn Hunts’ come with a whole host of new rewards for players to earn with some particular weapons being real gems. If you are only just starting the Season, here is a quick guide on how to jump into these Wrathborn Hunts.
Deafening Whisper

This Grenade Launcher is quite unique in that it is a Void Wave Frame, with the only other Wave Frame being Martyr’s Retribution from Season of Dawn.
A Wave Frame Grenade Launcher is a very interesting weapon as instead of a typical explosion coming from the round fired, the round instead releases a wave of destructive energy along the ground in the direction the round was travelling. Similar in ways to a Titan’s Thermite grenade, but with only a single wave of damage.
An interesting perk can roll on Deafening Whisper called ‘Ambitious Assassin’ that grants extra rounds in the magazine based on the number of kills gained before reloading. What’s great about this perk is that you only need a single kill to activate this perk and then reload to gain two rounds in the magazine. With this perk Deafening Whisper becomes top tier at clearing out rooms of lesser enemies.
Wellspring is also a great choice of perk as it is essentially a better version of Demolitionist, granting a similar amount of energy regen but having the versatility of granting it to not just the grenade ability.
Recommended PvE Perks:
- Barrel - Linear Compensator, Volatile Launch
- Magazine - High-Velocity Rounds
- Perk 1 - Ambitious Assassin
- Perk 2 - Rampage, Wellspring, Auto-Loading Holster
- Masterwork - Reload Speed, Handling
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Barrel - Linear Compensator, Volatile Launch
- Magazine - High-Velocity Rounds
- Perk 1 - Killing Wind, Surplus
- Perk 2 - Auto-Loading Holster
- Masterwork - Reload Speed, Handling
Friction Fire

At first glance Friction Fire is a very sub-par SMG stat-wise. In fact, it has lower stat values in almost every category when compared to another popular SMG, IKELOS SMG.
What Friction Fire does have going for it though is a nice, easy to control recoil pattern as well as exceptional PvE and PvP perks.
Threat Detector is a great, underrated perk in both PvE and PvP as at two stacks it gives a huge boost to Reload Speed. Combine this with a SMG Reloader mod and you have an almost maxed out Reload Speed.
Wellspring is another amazing option for both PvE and PvP as it is a constant source of ability energy towards your uncharged abilities.
Rampage is also a tried and true option for both modes. It can reach its potential a lot easier in PvE but can still lead to more consistent kills in PvP.
Recommended PvE Perks:
- Barrel - Hammer-Forged Rounds, Extended Barrel, Corkscrew Rifling
- Magazine - Appended Mag, Tactical Mag
- Perk 1 - Threat Detector, Subsistence
- Perk 2 - Rampage, Wellspring
- Masterwork - Range
Recommended PvP Perks:
If you are using a Controller than its best to focus on Stability and Recoil Direction
- Barrel - Hammer-Forged Rounds, Extended Barrel, Corkscrew Rifling, Smallbore
- Magazine - Accurized Rounds, Tactical Mag, Steady Rounds
- Perk 1 - Threat Detector, Zen Moment, Killing Wind
- Perk 2 - Wellspring, Rampage, Unrelenting
- Masterwork - Range, Stability
Royal Chase

Royal Chase is currently the only available Precision Frame Scout Rifle that has not been sunset. So from a diversity and collection standpoint this is a must have as you never know when certain archetypes will be buffed or not.
Unfortunately Precision Frame Scout Rifles aren't in the best of shapes at the moment even with the recent buff. Royal Chase does come with some unique perks though to make it worthwhile using.
Thresh is a new perk introduced in Beyond Light. This perk gives a small amount of Super energy for each kill gained with the weapon. This obviously works really well with a primary weapon since you’ll be killing lots of weak enemies which will turn into Super energy, leading to almost halving the Super cooldown time. Highly recommend this perk for PvE content.
Dragonfly is another good PvE option for clearing out enemies, and Multikill Clip is another tried and true damage perk.
Recommended PvE Perks:
- Barrel - Corkscrew Rifling, Smallbore,
- Magazine - Tactical Mag, Appended Mag
- Perk 1 - Full Auto Trigger System, Auto-Loading Holster
- Perk 2 - Thresh, Multikill Clip, Dragonfly
- Masterwork - Range
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Barrel - Hammer-Forged Rifling, Smallbore
- Magazine - Accurized Rounds, Tactical Mag, Steady Rounds
- Perk 1 - Full Auto Trigger System, No Distractions,
- Perk 2 - Multikill Clip, Dragonfly
- Masterwork - Range
Blast Battue

Shortly after the release of Shadowkeep last year Heavy Grenade Launchers rocketed to the top of the DPS charts and have remained somewhat towards the top since then. Recently, weapons like Slug Shotguns and Swords have dethroned these Grenade Launchers but they have still remained a solid DPS option. Blast Battue is no different.
In PvE, Spike Grenades are the play here as they add a significant amount of damage to direct hits against enemies. An important note is that it's important to try to lower the overall Blast Radius of Blast Battue if you plan on running Spike Grenades. This will give a boost to the impact damage of the round, which will further the benefits of Spike Grenades.
Clown Cartridge is another great PvE perk as a lucky activation of it can lead to a magazine size almost double what it normally is. This can give a huge boost to burst DPS. Pair this with Auto Loading Holster, and switch to a Special while it reloads, and you have a great source of Boss DPS.
Chain Reaction is a new Beyond Light perk and it's a great option of clearing out enemies. Each kill creates a Dragonfly-like explosion that can spread to other enemies and create, well, a chain reaction of exploding enemies. Can easily clear out a large group of enemies with a single shot with this perk.
For PvP it's best to maximize Blast Radius to ensure a higher range of one hit kills. Quickdraw is a good PvP option as it allows a hot swap to Blast Battue whenever the situation calls for it.
Recommended Perks for PvE:
- Barrel - Hard Launch, Smart Drift Control
- Magazine - Spike Grenades
- Perk 1 - Clown Cartridge
- Perk 2 - Auto-Loading Holster, Chain Reaction
- Masterwork - Velocity, Handling
Recommended Perks for PvP:
- Barrel - Confined Launch, Linear Compensator
- Magazine - Proximity Grenades, High Explosive Ordnance
- Perk 1 - Quickdraw, Killing Wind
- Perk 2 - Rampage, Wellspring
- Masterwork - Blast Radius, Velocity
Corsair’s Wrath

Corsair’s Wrath joins the list as one of only three Linear Fusion Rifles in the game that have yet to be sunset and that alone makes this weapon worth getting. Unfortunately, Corsair’s Wrath has slightly worse stats than Line in the Sand from Season of Dawn and a much worse perk pool. Line in the Sand will be sunset soon though which will leave Corsair’s Wrath with a little room to breathe.
Outlaw is a half decent option for PvE and combined with Kill Clip can lead to some quick kill chains. Thresh and Demolitionist are also good options but since this is a Power weapon you don't really have the ammo economy to activate these perks that consistently.
In PvP, Moving Target is probably the best option here as it can add a good amount of aim assist, leading to more consistent kills.
Recommended PvE Perks:
- Barrel - Smallbore, Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Battery - Liquid Coils, Enhanced Battery
- Perk 1 - Outlaw
- Perk 2 - Kill Clip, High Impact Reserves, Thresh, Demolitionist
- Masterwork - Charge Time
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Barrel - Smallbore, Corkscrew Rifling
- Magazine - Accelerated Coils
- Perk 1 - Moving Target, Killing Wind
- Perk 2 - Quickdraw
- Masterwork - Charge Time