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Doomed Petitioner
LegendaryLinear Fusion Rifle Void
Read Lore
You were a Knight. Devastator of Sol. Ardent scholar of the Bladed Path. You are still taken. Nothing remains of you but the knife. You have been relinquished. The hand is severed. Wield yourself. What vows compel you? [You have no vows] What drives you? [You have no drive] You must take up the knife. You must take take take take take take take
Select Activity Type
Competitive PvP
- Competitive PvP
- Quickplay PvP
- Competitive Co-Op
- Iron Banner
- Trials of Osiris
- PvE
- Crucible
Select Game Mode
- Breakthrough
- Clash: Competitive
- Control: Competitive
- Rift
- Showdown
- Survival
Select Map
- Altar of Flame
- The Burnout
- Distant Shore
- The Dead Cliffs
- Endless Vale
- Javelin-4
- Pacifica
- Meltdown
- Bannerfall
- Firebase Echo
- Wormhaven
- Convergence
- Radiant Cliffs
- Equinox
- Legion's Gulch
- Emperor's Respite
- Midtown
- The Citadel
- Retribution
- The Fortress
- Solitude
- Vostok
- Gambler's Ruin
PvP Insights
Usage 0.297% #91
Kills 0.275% #99
Headshots 0.445% #50
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.
Impact | 41 | |
Range | 45 | |
Stability | 46 | |
Handling | 25 | |
Reload Speed | 24 | |
Charge Time | 533 | |
Magazine | 5 |
Aim Assistance | 64 | |
Airborne Effectiveness | 11 | |
Inventory Size | 34 | |
Recoil Direction | 71 | |
Zoom | 25 |
Version Log
Season 0
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 24Episode: Echoes
- Modified -
Season 23Season of the Wish
- Modified -
- Added -
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