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An in-game render of the D.F.A. (Adept).
A thumbnail image depicting the D.F.A. (Adept).

D.F.A. (Adept)

LegendaryHand Cannon Kinetic

For the Staff of Valus Thuun, Commander From Red Legion Fracture Eight A Tactical Outcomes Analysis I. Records, Materials, and Attributions Scale Three / Bridge / Mass Two 4 Squad [HEAVY INF] TASK: - capture endless pathway nodes 332,334,335,336 OUTCOME: - unit encountered Guardian fireteam. all units survived. colossus reported Guardians sprinting past combat units without engaging. gladiator reported Guardians launching from momentum propulsion devices hundreds of meters above planet surface. II: Analysis All but one survivor report nearly identical details of the previous engagement. Morale is sinking, but defections are at zero. Prelim~~~~~~~ For the Staff of Valus Thuun, Commander From Red Legion Fracture Eight A Tactical Outcomes Analysis I. Records, Materials, and Attributions Scale Three / Bridge / Mass Two 4 Squad [HEAVY INF] TASK: - capture endless pathway nodes 333,335,336,337 OUTCOME: - unit encountered Guardian fireteam. all units survived. colossus reported Guardians sprinting past combat units without engaging. psion reported Guardians launching from momentum propulsion devices hundreds of meters above planet surface. II: Analysis All but one survivor report nearly identical details of previous engagement. Morale is sinking, but defections are at zero. Prelim~~~~~~~ For the Staff of Valus Thuun, Commander From Red Legion Fracture Eight A Tactical Outcomes Analysis I. Records, Materials, and Attributions Scale Three / Bridge / Mass Two 4 Squad [HEAVY INF] TASK: - capture endless pathway nodes 331,332,334,335 OUTCOME: - unit encountered Guardian fireteam. all units survived. psion reported Guardians sprinting past combat units without engaging. colossus reported Guardians launching from momentum propulsion devices hundreds of meters above planet surface. II: Analysis All but one survivor report nearly identical details of previous engagement. Morale is sinking, but defections are at zero. Prelim~~~~~~~

PvP Insights

Usage 0.0160% #409
Kills 0.0220% #370
Headshots 0.0300% #247

Item Statistics

Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

Reload Speed
Aim Assistance
Airborne Effectiveness
Inventory Size
Recoil Direction88

Version Log

Season 24Episode: Echoes
  • Modified -
Season 23Season of the Wish
  • Modified -
  • Modified -
Season 22Season of the Witch
  • Modified -
  • Modified -
Season 21Season of the Deep
  • Modified -
Season 20Season of Defiance
  • Modified -
Season 19Season of the Seraph
  • Modified -
Season 18Season of the Plunder
  • Modified -
Season 17Season of the Haunted
  • Added -


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