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An in-game render of the Holdfast Bond.
A thumbnail image depicting the Holdfast Bond.

Holdfast Bond

LegendaryWarlock Bond
"I stood on that frigid cliff, watching the smoke and flames rising from the City, and made a vow. Never again."—Ikora Rey

"I used to hate his stupid pranks. Like this one time, back when we were still in combat academy together, he tried to dye my dark green uniform bright yellow. Which was obviously never going to work." Jolyon swirls the ice cubes around in his glass, listening to their soft clinking. "I put it on in the morning without noticing and wore the damn thing through a whole 22-hour rotation. By the end of the day, it had stained my skin. Turned my whole body from blue to bright green. Maybe that was his plan all along," Jolyon says and chuckles. For a moment, the bartender can see the happy-go-lucky guy that might once have been. "But that was typical of Uldren. Try something outrageous, only to fail more successfully than he ever intended." And just as it quickly as it came, the grin fades, and he's just another traumatized soldier once again. "He was never a bad person. Not until the end, anyway. He used to be… funny. In a kind of irritating, charming way. Like he knew that whatever it was, he was going to get away with it. And he usually did. Right up until the Black Garden. That was the day he pushed his luck too far. And I helped him do it. I helped turn my best friend into a monster." Jolyon taps the rim of his glass, and the bartender pours another. "Yeah, I used to hate his stupid pranks. And his arrogance. But now that he's gone, that's the stuff I miss."

Item Statistics

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Contained In

Icon depicting Resilience-Focused Umbral Engram.
Resilience-Focused Umbral EngramFocused Umbral Engram, LegendaryArmor specially tuned to enhance the wearer's grit and toughness.
Icon depicting Mobility-Focused Umbral Engram.
Mobility-Focused Umbral EngramFocused Umbral Engram, LegendaryArmor specially tuned to enhance the wearer's speed and agility.
Icon depicting Discipline-Focused Umbral Engram.
Discipline-Focused Umbral EngramFocused Umbral Engram, LegendaryArmor specially tuned to enhance the wearer's will and focus.
Icon depicting Premium Warlock Rewards.
Premium Warlock RewardsPackage, LegendaryA bundle of rewards for Guardians who activate the Season Pass.
Icon depicting Strength-Focused Umbral Engram.
Strength-Focused Umbral EngramFocused Umbral Engram, LegendaryArmor specially tuned to enhance the wearer's power and physique.
Icon depicting Intellect-Focused Umbral Engram.
Intellect-Focused Umbral EngramFocused Umbral Engram, LegendaryArmor specially tuned to enhance the wearer's mind and wits.
Icon depicting Recovery-Focused Umbral Engram.
Recovery-Focused Umbral EngramFocused Umbral Engram, LegendaryArmor specially tuned to enhance the wearer's tenacity and renewal.
Icon depicting Armor-Focused Umbral Engram.
Armor-Focused Umbral EngramFocused Umbral Engram, LegendaryA Focused Umbral Engram containing a piece of Holdfast armor. Requires owning Season Pass Armor to generate.

Version Log

Season 24Episode: Echoes
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Season 23Season of the Wish
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Season 22Season of the Witch
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Season 21Season of the Deep
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Season 20Season of Defiance
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Season 19Season of the Seraph
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Season 18Season of the Plunder
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Season 17Season of the Haunted
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Season 16Season of the Risen
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Season 15Season of the Lost
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Season 14Season of the Splicer
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Season 13Season of the Chosen
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Season 12Season of the Hunt
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Season 11Season of Arrivals
  • Added -


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