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An in-game render of the Unfinal Shapes.
A thumbnail image depicting the Unfinal Shapes.

Unfinal Shapes

"Mine is not a final shape. She showed me that." –Eris Morn

Asher, I took a slough of Hive chitin, and with my own hands, I bent it into the shape of a starship. I think you of all people might understand why. But it's more than just a reminder of the green flames behind my brow. Asher, I saw a throne world built for the Light. Built with Darkness, of course, and the bitter logic of swords. But built for Light. It made me wonder. This will be my last letter for a long while. The Queen needs me more than the City does. And I need her. When she looks at me, she does not see an invalid, or a madwoman, or a burden. She sees a Hunter. She has pointed me at the true enemy, and with her help, I will see my quarry caught. Clarity in action, Eris Morn

Version Log

Season 24Episode: Echoes
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Season 23Season of the Wish
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Season 22Season of the Witch
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Season 21Season of the Deep
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Season 19Season of the Seraph
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Season 16Season of the Risen
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Season 15Season of the Lost
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Season 14Season of the Splicer
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Season 13Season of the Chosen
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Season 12Season of the Hunt
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Season 9Season of Dawn
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Season 8Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
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Season 5Season of the Forge: Black Armory
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Season 4Destiny 2: Forsaken
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