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Items - Ships

Icon depicting A History of Starlight.
A History of StarlightShip, ExoticBefore Tyra Karn settled in the Iron Temple, her second home was among the stars.
Icon depicting A Thousand Wings.
A Thousand WingsShip, ExoticExtinguish the stars. Devour the planets. Soar through a universe of utter dark.
Icon depicting Ada-1's Lone Wolf.
Ada-1's Lone WolfShip, Exotic"It's an old-fashioned oxymoron. There is no such thing. But, you must admit, there is something charming about old fashions…" —Ada-1
Icon depicting Aerial Shroud.
Aerial ShroudShip, ExoticA reminder of our mortality, streaking through the cosmos.
Icon depicting Aeshnidae Fixed-Wing.
Aeshnidae Fixed-WingShip, ExoticNow high. Now low.
Icon depicting Aeviternal XXII.
Aeviternal XXIIShip, ExoticA remarkably preserved Golden Age pattern recovered from the excavation in Hellas Basin.
Icon depicting Africtional Cooler.
Africtional CoolerShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Akashic Revelation.
Akashic RevelationShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Alfa-Zulu.
Alfa-ZuluShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Alliance Scout Frigate.
Alliance Scout FrigateShip, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Altrux Pura Mk1.
Altrux Pura Mk1Ship, Exotic
Icon depicting Amnestia-S2.
Amnestia-S2Ship, Exotic"The Dawning welcomes everyone." —Eva Levante
Icon depicting Andromeda Courser.
Andromeda CourserShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Aoki/Faas SL-65.
Aoki/Faas SL-65Ship, Exotic
Icon depicting Arbitrage LXI.
Arbitrage LXIShip, ExoticRace low. Feint high.
Icon depicting Arc's Courier.
Arc's CourierShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Archangel's Might.
Archangel's MightShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Argentate Dusk.
Argentate DuskShip, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Arrow of Time.
Arrow of TimeShip, ExoticWe must continue to move forward, even if it means aiming backward.
Icon depicting Ascendance Event.
Ascendance EventShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Asher Mir's One-Way Ticket.
Asher Mir's One-Way TicketShip, Exotic"It is possible to mathematically predict the cadence of death and resurrection in every firefight, regardless of combatant composition." —Asher Mir
Icon depicting Assembly Stinger.
Assembly StingerShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Atlas Hauler.
Atlas HaulerShip, ExoticWe all carry heavy burdens. Don't carry yours alone.
Icon depicting Aureate Dawn.
Aureate DawnShip, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Bayle's Aerodyne.
Bayle's AerodyneShip, Exotic"I believe the Cabal are a more credible threat to humanity's continued existence than any other currently facing our solar system." —Bayle,…
Icon depicting Bipectinate Craft.
Bipectinate CraftShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Black Peregrine.
Black PeregrineShip, ExoticI am the needle that threads the fabric of time.
Icon depicting Blight or Flight.
Blight or FlightShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Blooming Terror.
Blooming TerrorShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Brazen Spark.
Brazen SparkShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Callisto Lancer.
Callisto LancerShip, ExoticPierce the sky.
Icon depicting Canopus Wing.
Canopus WingShip, ExoticPeople used to look up and see the shimmer of the stars. Now they see only the darkness between them. The light still shines, though.
Icon depicting Celestial Kestrel.
Celestial KestrelShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Centerfire.
CenterfireShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Cerulean Flash.
Cerulean FlashShip, ExoticSome years, the Dawning comes faster than anyone expects.
Icon depicting Chela-N.
Chela-NShip, ExoticIn time, small wedges cleave the hardest oak.
Icon depicting Chrysopelea-S.
Chrysopelea-SShip, ExoticOut of the grass. Into the sky.
Icon depicting Coffin Nail.
Coffin NailShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Colonel's Lament.
Colonel's LamentShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Cosmic Tune.
Cosmic TuneShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Cuttlebone.
CuttleboneShip, Exotic"And of course, the siphuncle is essential. Heh. Siphuncle. What a great word." —Pahanin Errata
Icon depicting Cuttlebone.
CuttleboneShip, Exotic"And of course, the siphuncle is essential. Heh. Siphuncle. What a great word." —Pahanin Errata
Icon depicting Death to Kells.
Death to KellsShip, ExoticWhat is a Kell to a Spider?
Icon depicting Deep Space Hauler.
Deep Space HaulerShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Eclipse Hunter.
Eclipse HunterShip, Exotic
Icon depicting Ecto Jumpship.
Ecto JumpshipShip, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Ego and Squid.
Ego and SquidShip, ExoticPahanin was a Hunter, satirist, travel writer, and renowned cephalopod enthusiast.
Icon depicting Ephemeral Spark.
Ephemeral SparkShip, ExoticKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting Eriana's Vengeance.
Eriana's VengeanceShip, Exotic"Wei… I will see you again. But first… I have work to do." —Eriana-3, before entering the Hellmouth

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Introduced In Season
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