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An in-game render of the Polaris Lance.
A thumbnail image depicting the Polaris Lance.

Polaris Lance

ExoticScout Rifle Solar
Review Rating
"I've forgotten so much of my past life, of my family. But when I hold this rifle, everything feels right. I feel like… I'm home." —Ana Bray

Most people wouldn't consider a broken weapon a birthday present. But the Brays… aren't like most people. Sure, they tell me I'm smart, but they have a closeness, a relationship to the tools and machines they work with that goes beyond words. I never thought they would trust me enough to be a part of that. Until today. Elsie knows I've been working in the lab, trying to perfect the scout rifle designs in secret. I thought she'd be angry, that a weapon like this was a Bray project, not something for her adopted little sister. But this morning she surprised me. She handed me the weapon, a smile on her face. She told me she had checked it over, but only I could finish it. A real piece of Bray tech. And it's mine. I finally feel like I've found my place. The Brays are more than just scientists. They're my family.

PvP Insights

Usage 0.120% #168
Kills 0.129% #141
Headshots 0.207% #87

Item Statistics

Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

Reload Speed
Aim Assistance
Airborne Effectiveness
Inventory Size
Recoil Direction77

Version Log

Season 24Episode: Echoes
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Season 23Season of the Wish
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Season 22Season of the Witch
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Season 21Season of the Deep
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Season 20Season of Defiance
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Season 19Season of the Seraph
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Season 18Season of the Plunder
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Season 17Season of the Haunted
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Season 16Season of the Risen
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Season 15Season of the Lost
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Season 14Season of the Splicer
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Season 13Season of the Chosen
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Season 12Season of the Hunt
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Season 11Season of Arrivals
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Season 10Season of the Worthy
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Season 9Season of Dawn
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Season 8Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
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Season 5Season of the Forge: Black Armory
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Season 4Destiny 2: Forsaken
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Season 3Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind
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  • Modified -
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  • Added -


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4 years agoon PlayStation
I love this gun
4 years agoon Steam
Хорош для пвп и для пве
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Xbox
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Steam
quite good in PVP, really good in PVE, BUT currently the bug prevents the explosion and burn damage, when constantly shooting!
4 years agoon PlayStation
one of my favorite for pve great for add clear with the catalist and sustained dps on bosses as log as your landing your crits
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon PlayStation
4 years agoon Steam
Только если вам нужны бесконечные патроны, а так ниочем.
4 years agoon Steam
Только если вам нужны бесконечные патроны, а так ниочем.
4 years agoon PlayStation
Great for the Whisper of the Worm quest - and other pursuits.
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Xbox
It was one of my favorite guns back near my intro into D2 and it is stull one of the guns that I just adore. It's got style and with the Catalyst it's good for killing the swarms of enemies in most activities, and if you're a crack shot in Crucible this will be a fun gun to use too.
4 years agoon Steam
Never have to reload when you have good aim, has a form of clear but not an amazing one. Explosion procs hunter solar middle tree melee regen.
4 years agoon PlayStation
4 years agoon PlayStation
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Xbox
4 years agoon Steam
4 years agoon Steam
When they're low and you land that explosion, they will die. lmao
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