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Items - Emblems

Icon depicting 10950 Days.
10950 DaysEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting 1530 Centigrade.
1530 CentigradeEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting 162116:RUF.
162116:RUFEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting 24 FPS.
24 FPSEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Bit of Coin.
A Bit of CoinEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Broken Throne.
A Broken ThroneEmblem, LegendaryKeep it secret. Keep it safe.
Icon depicting A Classy Order.
A Classy OrderEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Cold Wind Blowin'.
A Cold Wind Blowin'Emblem, LegendaryEarned by completing a Gambit Triumph during Season 4.
Icon depicting A Crimson Cathedral.
A Crimson CathedralEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Distant Howl.
A Distant HowlEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Dream Shared.
A Dream SharedEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Flare for the Dramatic.
A Flare for the DramaticEmblem, LegendaryYou can find this rare emblem only once you reach a certain score in the Nightfall "The Arms Dealer."
Icon depicting A Forest of Red.
A Forest of RedEmblem, LegendaryYou can find this rare emblem only once you reach a certain score in the Nightfall "Tree of Probabilities."
Icon depicting A Garden World.
A Garden WorldEmblem, LegendaryThis emblem tracks your high score for the Nightfall "A Garden World."
Icon depicting A Good Night's Sleep.
A Good Night's SleepEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Good Sport.
A Good SportEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Grave Matter.
A Grave MatterEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Hall of Delights.
A Hall of DelightsEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Higher Truth.
A Higher TruthEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Mind Forever Changing.
A Mind Forever ChangingEmblem, LegendaryYou can find this rare emblem only once you reach a certain score in the Nightfall "The Inverted Spire."
Icon depicting A Sibyl's Dreams.
A Sibyl's DreamsEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Single Spark.
A Single SparkEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting A Vile Quarry.
A Vile QuarryEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Above and Beyond.
Above and BeyondEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Absolute Zero.
Absolute ZeroEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Absolutely Cursed.
Absolutely CursedEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Accolades on Accolades.
Accolades on AccoladesEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Activate ESCALATION.
Activate ESCALATIONEmblem, LegendaryTracks the number of final bosses defeated in the Escalation Protocol.
Icon depicting Adventurous Spirit.
Adventurous SpiritEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting After the Nightfall.
After the NightfallEmblem, LegendaryThis emblem tracks total number of Nightfall challenges completed.
Icon depicting Airlock Invitation.
Airlock InvitationEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Amethyst Stronghold.
Amethyst StrongholdEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting An Audience.
An AudienceEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting An Inscrutable Amygdaloid Eigenstate.
An Inscrutable Amygdaloid EigenstateEmblem, LegendaryYou can find this rare emblem only once you reach a certain score in the Nightfall "The Pyramidion."
Icon depicting Anamnesis.
AnamnesisEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Anchor Point.
Anchor PointEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting And Still We Stood.
And Still We StoodEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting And… Action!.
And… Action!Emblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Anno Panthera Tigris.
Anno Panthera TigrisEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Anomalous Signal.
Anomalous SignalEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Another's Vengeance.
Another's VengeanceEmblem, LegendaryYou can find this rare emblem once you reach a certain score in the Nightfall "The Hollowed Lair."
Icon depicting Apeirohedron.
ApeirohedronEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Apogee Series.
Apogee SeriesEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Apparatus Belli.
Apparatus BelliEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Apprentice Guide.
Apprentice GuideEmblem, Legendary"So altruuuuuistic! So brave! Emperor Calus speaks highly of your deedzzzzz." —Benedict 99-40
Icon depicting Apprentice Guide.
Apprentice GuideEmblem, LegendaryTracks Guided Game raid encounters in the "Last Wish" raid.
Icon depicting Apricot Dawn.
Apricot DawnEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Arc Propellant.
Arc PropellantEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Arcadian Valley.
Arcadian ValleyEmblem, LegendaryTracks Ghost Scans, Region Chests, and Lost Sectors on Nessus.
Icon depicting Archive of Twilight.
Archive of TwilightEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Archived.
ArchivedEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Archivist's Key.
Archivist's KeyEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Archivist's Prize.
Archivist's PrizeEmblem, Legendary
Icon depicting Arctic Arsenalist.
Arctic ArsenalistEmblem, Legendary

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Introduced In Season
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  • Season 1
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