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Triumphs - Trials of Osiris Legend

Flawless Execution

Win a match in which no one on your team is eliminated and no opponent is revived.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Lighthouse Ascendant

Complete a match in which you eliminate at least 7 opponents and are never eliminated by an opponent.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Paradoxically Perfect

As a team, win a round in which each player eliminates a different opponent and no opponent is revived.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Only One Ascends

In a single round, eliminate all opponents without any assistance from your teammates.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Dead Never Die

Win a round in which each player on your team is revived once.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Phoenix Strike

Land the final elimination of a round after being revived.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Time Trial

As a team, win a round within 20 seconds.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Anchor of Light

Revive a teammate as the last Guardian standing.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

False Hope

Eliminate both an opponent who was just revived and the opponent who revived them.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Evens at Odds

Eliminate at least one opponent attempting to capture the tiebreaker.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Starless Night

Eliminate every opponent in the match without being eliminated.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Bring the Dawn

Instantly eliminate the entire opposing team without any assistance from your teammates.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

They Will Sing of You

Eliminate 11 opponents without being eliminated.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

I Am Invincible!

Eliminate 5 opponents without taking any damage from any source.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Immortal Icon

Eliminate 7 opponents without being eliminated.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Triple Kell

Rapidly eliminate 3 opponents.
  • Medals earned: 0/1


Eliminate an opponent on a streak of 3 or more.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Saintly Glow

Eliminate 3 opponents without being eliminated.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Concentrated Fireteam

Eliminate an opponent with damage from your entire team.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Double Kell

Rapidly eliminate 2 opponents.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Ambition of Osiris

Win a match in which your opponent never scores.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Flight of the Pigeon

Win a match in which your team never trailed.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

From the Brink

Win a match after having been scoreless at match point.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

Skull Breaker

Deal the most total damage to opponents in a match.
  • Medals earned: 0/1


Stop an opponent's Super with your own Super.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

The Sword

Eliminate an opponent who has just eliminated a teammate.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

The Shield

Eliminate an opponent who has damaged a teammate.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

In This Life or the Next

Eliminate the opponent who last eliminated you.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

The Beginning

Land the first elimination of a match.
  • Medals earned: 0/1

The End

Land the final elimination of a match.
  • Medals earned: 0/1
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