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Triumphs - The Dreaming City Legend

Broken Courier
Complete mission "Broken Courier" in the Dreaming City.- Mission completed: 0/1

The Oracle Engine
Complete mission "The Oracle Engine" in the Dreaming City.- Mission completed: 0/1

Dark Monastery
Complete the mission "Dark Monastery" in the Dreaming City.- Mission completed: 0/1

Complete missions "Broken Courier," "The Oracle Engine," and "Dark Monastery."- Missions completed: 0/3

Remember Your Manners
Present gifts to the visitors in the missions "Broken Courier," "The Oracle Engine," and "Dark Monastery."
Bridge Troll
Defeat the Odynom lurking in mission "Broken Courier."- Odynom defeated: 0/1

Aggro No
Defeat the Odynom lurking in mission "The Oracle Engine."- Odynom defeated: 0/1

Defeat the Odynom lurking in mission "Dark Monastery."- Odynom defeated: 0/1

Defeat both Mukor and Ugroth, the Soulkeepers, within 5 seconds of each other in mission "The Oracle Engine."- Ogres rapidly defeated: 0/1

Ground Troops
Patrol with the Corsairs of the Dreaming City.
Wisdom of the Witch
Learn from the Techeun Shuro Chi of the Dreaming City.
Trusted Right Hand
Complete Petra's set of weekly bounties within one week.- Bounties completed: 0/2

Bounty Hunter: Dreaming City
Complete bounties from Petra Venj.
Her Grace
Complete all Queen's Bounties.
True Sight
Become Ascendant while in the Dreaming City.- Ascendance achieved: 0/1

Hidden Riches
Find all Ascendant chests when the curse on the Dreaming City is at its weakest.
Bolder Fortunes
Find all Ascendant chests when the curse on the Dreaming City is growing stronger.
War Chests
Find all Ascendant chests when the curse on the Dreaming City is at its most powerful.
Fastidious Miser
Find all Ascendant chests in the Dreaming City.
Riddle Me This
Open a riddle chest in the Divalian Mists, Rheasilvia, and the Strand.- Riddle chests looted: 0/3

Double Trouble
Defeat Paradii, the Vigilant, and Bakken, the Relentless in the Divalian Mists in the Dreaming City.- Enemies defeated: 0/1

A Warm Welcome
Summon and defeat Bracus Payne, the Called Hand, in the Dreaming City.- Enemy defeated: 0/1

Golden Ticket
Acquire a Charge of Light to feed into the Blind Well.- Charge of Light acquired: 0/1

Charging the Well
Complete any encounter at the Blind Well in the Dreaming City.- Blind Well encounter completed: 0/1

The Hive Champion
Defeat Cragur, Plague of the Well, at the Blind Well in the Dreaming City.- Plague of the Well defeated: 0/1

The Scorn Champion
Defeat Sikariis, Plague of the Well, at the Blind Well in the Dreaming City.- Plague of the Well defeated: 0/1

The Taken Champion
Defeat Inomina, Plague of the Well, at the Blind Well in the Dreaming City.- Plague of the Well defeated: 0/1

Deceptively Peaceful
Explore the Bay of Drowned Wishes in the Dreaming City.- Lost Sector explored: 0/1

Explore Aphelion's Rest in the Dreaming City.- Lost Sector explored: 0/1

Explore the Chamber of Starlight in the Dreaming City.- Lost Sector explored: 0/1

Loved and Lost
Explore all Lost Sectors in the Dreaming City.- Lost Sectors explored: 0/3

Ascendant Intruder
Complete an Ascendant challenge.- Ascendant challenge completed: 0/1

Ascendant Champion
Complete all six Ascendant challenges.
Honed for Speed
Complete the Ascendant time trial in the Keep of Honed Edges.- Ascendant time trial completed: 0/1

Shatter That Record
Complete the Ascendant time trial in the Shattered Ruins.- Ascendant time trial completed: 0/1

Agonarch Agony
Complete the Ascendant time trial in the Agonarch Abyss.- Ascendant time trial completed: 0/1

Eating Your Own Tail
Complete the Ascendant time trial in Ouroborea.- Ascendant time trial completed: 0/1

Never Forfeit
Complete the Ascendant time trial in the Forfeit Shrine.- Ascendant time trial completed: 0/1

Run the Gauntlet
Complete the Ascendant time trial in the Cimmerian Garrison.- Ascendant time trial completed: 0/1

Ascendant Paragon
Complete all Ascendant challenge time trials.- Ascendant time trials completed: 0/6

Acquire an Offering to the Oracle.- Offering acquired: 0/1

Appeal to Higher Powers
Activate the Oracle Engine.- Oracle Engine activated: 0/1

Into the Unknown
Visit the Queen's Court.- Court visited: 0/1

Advisor to the Crown
Visit the Queen's Court every time Mara is present.- Met with the Queen: 0/7

A Hidden Death
Enter Mara Sov's throne world.- Throne world discovered: 0/1

Never Again
Complete the dungeon "The Shattered Throne."- Dungeon completed: 0/1

Curse This
Complete the dungeon "The Shattered Throne" without dying.- Dungeon completed: 0/1

Complete the dungeon "The Shattered Throne" alone.- Dungeon completed: 0/1

Seriously, Never Again
Complete the dungeon "The Shattered Throne" alone, without dying.- Dungeon completed: 0/1

Come at Me
Complete the dungeon "The Shattered Throne" while wearing a full set of unpurified Reverie Dawn gear.- Dungeon completed: 0/1

A Thorny Predicament
Overcome the Keepers of Petitions in the dungeon "The Shattered Throne" without extinguishing more than one sigil.- Keepers overcome: 0/1

Douse the Forge
Defeat Dûl Incaru, the Eternal Return, without allowing any of her Fatesmiths to respawn.- Dûl Incaru defeated: 0/1

Gimme That Bow
Prove yourself worthy to Sjur Eido, the first Queen's Wrath.- Wish-Ender claimed: 0/1

The Rift Generator
Complete the "Rift Generator" public event in the Dreaming City.- Public event completed: 0/1

Once More into the Rift
Complete the "Rift Generator" public event in the Dreaming City on Heroic difficulty.- Heroic public event completed: 0/1

That'll Buff Out
Complete the "Rift Generator" public event with the Generator Core at 50% integrity or better.- Public event completed: 0/1

Good as New
Complete the "Rift Generator" public event with the Generator Core at 100% integrity.- Public event completed: 0/1

Mint Condition
Complete the "Rift Generator" public event without allowing the Generator Core to drop below 100% integrity.- Public event completed: 0/1

Wardrobe Reverie
Acquire a piece of the Reverie Dawn armor set.- Reverie Dawn gear piece acquired: 0/1

Suit Up
Acquire a full set of Reverie Dawn armor in the Dreaming City.- Reverie Dawn gear set acquired: 0/1

Purify a piece of the Reverie Dawn armor set.- Reverie Dawn gear piece purified: 0/1

Become Ascendant while wearing a full set of unpurified Reverie Dawn armor.- Ascendance achieved: 0/1

O Grave Robber Mine
Collect all Ahamkara Bones in the Dreaming City.- Ahamkara Bones collected: 0/16

Trapped in Amber
Collect all Crystallized Thoughts in the Dreaming City.
Corrupted Omelette
Destroy all Corrupted Eggs in the Dreaming City.- Corrupted Eggs destroyed: 0/40