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Seals - Moments of Triumph 2020 Legend

Bungie Rewards Triumph Shirt Available
Complete Triumphs to earn a Bungie.net token that unlocks the 2020 T-shirt for purchase at the Bungie Store.- Triumphs completed: 0/15

Reward: Ghost
Complete Triumphs to earn the 2020 Ghost.- Triumphs completed: 0/10

Reward: Sparrow
Complete Triumphs during Moments of Triumph to earn the 2020 Sparrow.- Triumphs completed: 0/5

Reward: Emblem
Complete Triumphs to earn the 2020 Emblem.- Triumphs completed: 0/1

Reward: Raid Ring and Emblem
Complete all 5 raids to earn a Bungie.net token that unlocks the Raid Ring for purchase at the Bungie store and a unique emblem.- Leviathan Raid: 0/1
- Eater of Worlds Raid: 0/1
- Spire of Stars Raid: 0/1
- Crown of Sorrow Raid: 0/1
- Scourge of the Past Raid: 0/1

Leviathan Raid
Complete the "Leviathan" raid.- Raid completed: 0/1

Eater of Worlds Raid
Complete the "Eater of Worlds" raid.- Raid completed: 0/1

Spire of Stars Raid
Complete the "Spire of Stars" raid.- Raid completed: 0/1

Crown of Sorrow Raid
Complete the "Crown of Sorrow" raid.- Raid completed: 0/1

Scourge of the Past Raid
Complete the "Scourge of the Past" raid.- Raid completed: 0/1

Triumph Apprentice
Attain a moderate Triumph score to earn a Bungie.net code for the Sunset Emblem.- Triumph score: 0/12500

Triumph Master
Attain a high Triumph score to earn a Bungie.net code for the Eclipsed Sunset Emblem.- Triumph score: 0/50000

Gun for Hire
Complete bounties throughout the system.- Bounties completed: 0/15

Complete weekly challenges throughout the system.- Weekly challenges: 0/10

For the Vanguard
Complete strikes in any strike playlist.- Strikes Completed: 0/20

Ordeal or No Deal
Complete Ordeal strikes. Challenging strikes grant the most efficient progress.- Complete: 0/20

Season of Arrivals: Valor Legend
During Season of Arrivals, reach the Legend Valor rank and reset your Valor rank.- Rank "Legend": 0/5
- Ranks reset: 0/1

Trials Victories
Win matches in the Trials of Osiris.- Matches won: 0/7

Gambit Standout
During Season of Arrivals, deposit Motes and defeat combatants with precision final blows in Gambit.- Motes deposited: 0/250
- Enemies defeated: 0/150

K1 Discovered
Complete and loot all of the Moon's Lost Sectors.- K1 Logistics Lost Sector looted: 0/1
- K1 Revelation Lost Sector looted: 0/1
- K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector looted: 0/1
- K1 Communion Lost Sector looted: 0/1

Altars of Sorrow: Final Phase
Defeat a Tier V Nightmare boss.- Completed: 0/1

Garden of Salvation
Complete the "Garden of Salvation" raid.- Garden of Salvation completed: 0/1

Destroyer of Heretics
Complete the Pit of Heresy.- "Destroyer of Heretics" completed: 0/1

Prophecy Complete
Complete the "Prophecy" dungeon- Complete the "Prophecy" dungeon: 0/1

Season Pass Rank
Attain rank 100 in Season of Arrivals- Levels unlocked: 0/100

Interference: Clear the Air
Defeat Savathûn's mysterious Supplicant in mission "Interference."- Supplicant to Savathûn defeated: 0/1

Exotic Arsenal
Claim the 3 new Exotic weapons from Season of Arrivals.- Witherhoard: 0/1
- Ruinous Effigy: 0/1
- Traveler's Chosen: 0/1

Hive-God Optometrist
Find and destroy all of Savathûn's Eyes.- Eyes destroyed: 0/50

The Majesty of It
Obtain Magnificent Legendary Solstice Armor.- : 0/1

Above and Beyond
Earn Glow on any Solstice of Heroes Armor.- : 0/1