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Ephemeral Engram
LegendaryBright Engram
An engram containing different customization options—including ornaments for Exotics found during the Festival of the Lost. Return it to Tess to reveal its contents.

Colonel MaskMask, Legendary

Skerren Corvus GraspsGauntlets, Legendary

Skerren Corvus VestChest Armor, Legendary

Skerren Corvus StridesLeg Armor, Legendary

Skerren Corvus CloakHunter Cloak, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite GauntletsGauntlets, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite PlateChest Armor, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite GreavesLeg Armor, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite MarkTitan Mark, Legendary

Liminal Voyager GlovesGauntlets, Legendary

Liminal Voyager RobesChest Armor, Legendary

Liminal Voyager BootsLeg Armor, Legendary

Liminal Voyager BondWarlock Bond, Legendary
Vanity Items Preview
Featured Contents

Heroic GuitaristEmote, Exotic

PrideglassWeapon Ornament, Exotic

Infected SeekerShip, Exotic

Aerial ShroudShip, Exotic

Winchester's RuinVehicle, Exotic

Okular Fortitude ShellGhost Shell, Exotic

Nine Lives ShellGhost Shell, Exotic

Stonecraft's Amalgam ShellGhost Shell, Exotic

Glitterball MaskMask, Legendary

Colonel MaskMask, Legendary

Skerren Corvus GraspsGauntlets, Legendary

Skerren Corvus VestChest Armor, Legendary

Skerren Corvus CloakHunter Cloak, Legendary

Skerren Corvus MaskHelmet, Legendary

Skerren Corvus StridesLeg Armor, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite GauntletsGauntlets, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite PlateChest Armor, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite MarkTitan Mark, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite HelmHelmet, Legendary

Lustrous Chromite GreavesLeg Armor, Legendary

Liminal Voyager GlovesGauntlets, Legendary

Liminal Voyager RobesChest Armor, Legendary

Liminal Voyager BondWarlock Bond, Legendary

Liminal Voyager HoodHelmet, Legendary

Liminal Voyager BootsLeg Armor, Legendary

Carved ProjectionGhost Projection, Rare

Spinneret ProjectionGhost Projection, Rare

SoulsknotTransmat Effect, Legendary

Dark FluorescenceShader, Legendary

ShadowstrikeShader, Legendary
Version Log
Season 14Season of the Splicer
- Modified -
Season 13Season of the Chosen
- Modified -
Season 11Season of Arrivals
- Modified -
Season 8Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 7Season of the Opulence: Penumbra
- Modified -
Season 5Season of the Forge: Black Armory
- Modified -
Season 4Destiny 2: Forsaken
- Added -
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