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"You little rat. You took my warm hospitality and stomped all over it like an ungrateful child. Is that any way to treat one of your dear 'brethren'?" Siviks laughed. A cold, twisted laugh. Then offered up a large wad of spit at the Spider's feet. The Spider just rolled his eyes. "Let me know when you're ready to make nice," he said. Siviks' laugh now grew into something maniacal. He topped it off with another wad of spit, this time directly in the Spider's face. Once he'd wiped his brow, the Spider leaned forward, looking Siviks in the eyes, and said, "I think our little rat here needs a time out. Perhaps someplace with the rest of the vermin." The many hands of Spider's men gripped and restrained Siviks. As they dragged him off, he shouted, "You… as bad as all Fallen! Worse, even! A friend even to humans… All must die!" The Spider simply waved goodbye, taunting, "Bon voyage, my friend!" Once Siviks had gone, the Spider looked longingly toward where he had stood. He sighed a deep, regretful sigh before continuing with business as usual.
- Competitive PvP
- Quickplay PvP
- Competitive Co-Op
- Iron Banner
- Trials of Osiris
- PvE
- Crucible
- Breakthrough
- Clash: Competitive
- Control: Competitive
- Rift
- Showdown
- Survival
- Altar of Flame
- The Burnout
- Distant Shore
- The Dead Cliffs
- Endless Vale
- Javelin-4
- Pacifica
- Meltdown
- Bannerfall
- Firebase Echo
- Wormhaven
- Convergence
- Radiant Cliffs
- Equinox
- Legion's Gulch
- Emperor's Respite
- Midtown
- The Citadel
- Retribution
- The Fortress
- Solitude
- Vostok
- Gambler's Ruin
PvP Insights
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.
Blast Radius | 70 | |
Velocity | 100 | |
Stability | 60 | |
Handling | 59 | |
Reload Speed | 63 | |
Rounds/Min | 150 | |
Magazine | 6 |
Aim Assistance | 69 | |
Airborne Effectiveness | 20 | |
Inventory Size | 0 | |
Recoil Direction | 50 | |
Zoom | 13 |
Version Log
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To write reviews and manage your Guardian while playing, install Destiny Item Manager.