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A thumbnail image depicting the Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

Your findings have been immortalized in the Book of the Forgotten!

Glint saw the teens running into an abandoned building and floated in behind them. The rays from the setting sun trickled through the windows, allowing Glint to find his way without providing his own light. Keeping to the shadows, he bobbed his way through piles of debris, passing half-finished murals on the walls until he found the room the pranksters had decided to make their hideout. As he entered, he noticed a collection of curiosities that he couldn't quite place, but it was an unfamiliar book in one of the teens' hands that claimed his attention first. It looked thrown together; pages of varying quality and color poked out haphazardly, like an art project gone wrong. "No, no, the pumpkin has to be in the center, Cash," the young Awoken girl said, exasperated. Glint spotted "Cash." The Human boy made a patronizing face but moved the pumpkin anyway. With its carved-out eyes and sharp teeth, the item in question fit with what Glint knew of Headless Ones. Nothing about it glowed, which was a good sign, so he dipped slyly behind a box to avoid detection and continued to examine the room while the teens argued over this "ritual."

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