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Trials Clan Engram
Contains a reward for your efforts in the Trials of the Nine.
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

The MarinePulse Rifle, Legendary

Swordflight 4.1Gauntlets, Legendary

Swordflight 4.1Chest Armor, Legendary

Binary Phoenix CloakHunter Cloak, Legendary

Swordflight 4.1Helmet, Legendary

Swordflight 4.1Leg Armor, Legendary

Phoenix Strife Type 0Gauntlets, Legendary

Phoenix Strife Type 0Chest Armor, Legendary

Binary Phoenix MarkTitan Mark, Legendary

Phoenix Strife Type 0Helmet, Legendary

Phoenix Strife Type 0Leg Armor, Legendary

Ankaa Seeker IVGauntlets, Legendary

Ankaa Seeker IVChest Armor, Legendary

Binary Phoenix BondWarlock Bond, Legendary

Ankaa Seeker IVHelmet, Legendary

Ankaa Seeker IVLeg Armor, Legendary
Faction Gear

Wing ContenderHelmet, Legendary

Wing ContenderGauntlets, Legendary

Wing ContenderChest Armor, Legendary

Wing ContenderLeg Armor, Legendary

Wing ContenderHunter Cloak, Legendary

Wing DisciplineHelmet, Legendary

Wing DisciplineGauntlets, Legendary

Wing DisciplineChest Armor, Legendary

Wing DisciplineLeg Armor, Legendary

Wing DisciplineTitan Mark, Legendary

Wing TheoremHelmet, Legendary

Wing TheoremGauntlets, Legendary

Wing TheoremChest Armor, Legendary

Wing TheoremLeg Armor, Legendary

Wing TheoremWarlock Bond, Legendary

Crucible GloryShader, Rare

Endless GloryShader, Legendary

Crucible TriumphShader, Legendary
Faction Weapons

Nature of the BeastHand Cannon, Legendary

Autumn WindPulse Rifle, Legendary

TiebreakerRocket Launcher, Legendary

Swift SolsticeSidearm, Legendary

Martyr's MakeAuto Rifle, Legendary

Critical SassFusion Rifle, Legendary

Play of the GameGrenade Launcher, Legendary

Better DevilsHand Cannon, Legendary

Last PerditionPulse Rifle, Legendary

Does Not ComputeScout Rifle, Legendary

RetrofuturistShotgun, Legendary

Gentleman VagabondSniper Rifle, Legendary

Steel Sybil Z-14Sword, Legendary
Additional Rewards

World Gear, Common
Version Log
Season 12Season of the Hunt
- Deleted -
Season 11Season of Arrivals
- Modified -
Season 9Season of Dawn
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 8Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 5Season of the Forge: Black Armory
- Modified -
Season 4Destiny 2: Forsaken
- Modified -
Season 3Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind
- Added -
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