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An in-game render of the Le Monarque.
A thumbnail image depicting the Le Monarque.

Le Monarque

ExoticCombat Bow Void
Review Rating
"Wings flutter. Beauty distracts. Poison injects. The butterfly's curse extends to your enemies. A short life, shortened further by your hand." —Ada-1

We sit together and stare out into the distance, at the mountains that stretch toward the heavens. There are still vibrant parts of the world, and we must not forget them. To fill her mind with them is to make her human. To connect her to the world before. Nearby, a flutter of butterflies seek their next batch of sustenance, knowing not what the world around them has become. She watches them. They are new to her. A wayward butterfly from the flutter lands on her arm. She looks at it, and then to me. "Le Monarque," she says. I nod and attempt a smile. I watch her. Somehow she reminds me of it. Beautiful and dangerous all at once. Sadness washes over me. I reach out and rub her back, a fleeting moment of comfort for us both, as the feel of her cold body against my hand causes me to pull away. For a moment, I forgot what she was. There's an awkward silence. I steal another glance at her, simultaneously frightened of and in awe of who and what she is. A product of my own twisted ambition and desperation. The monarch flies away, unlikely to be seen again.

PvP Insights

Usage 0.597% #48
Kills 0.484% #61
Headshots 0.558% #48

Item Statistics

Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

Reload Speed
Draw Time612
Inventory Size
Aim Assistance
Airborne Effectiveness
Charge Time
Recoil Direction78

Version Log

Season 0
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Season 24Episode: Echoes
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Season 23Season of the Wish
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Season 22Season of the Witch
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Season 21Season of the Deep
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Season 20Season of Defiance
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Season 18Season of the Plunder
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Season 17Season of the Haunted
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Season 16Season of the Risen
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Season 15Season of the Lost
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Season 14Season of the Splicer
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Season 13Season of the Chosen
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Season 12Season of the Hunt
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Season 11Season of Arrivals
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Season 10Season of the Worthy
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Season 9Season of Dawn
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Season 8Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
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Season 6Season of the Drifter: Joker's Wild
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Season 5Season of the Forge: Black Armory
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  • Declassified -
  • Added -


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5 years agoon Xbox
For some reason people run away when I shoot them with this, I wonder why...
5 years agoon PlayStation
Good in pvp due to void damage chain to other players in proximity to primary target.
5 years agoon Steam
Thorn in a bow.
5 years agoon Steam
Great for clearing adds
5 years agoon Steam
Bows are useless in PvP, as a hanzo main i can say that easily.They only work against long ranges, you have no luck against TLW in a short range or AoS with medium range.Even at the longe range you don't have any chance against snipers.Their DPS is pretty low if you compare with hand cannons or snipers.I really love bows but imo they must 1HK with special ammo.
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon PlayStation
One of my Favourite bows to use in Pvp because it rewards headshots and timing with a descent aim assist.
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon PlayStation
5 years agoon PlayStation
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon PlayStation
Le Monarque
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon PlayStation
Shines brightest in Gambit, where you can poison a large group of enemies at once. Great for groups, and decent against bigger enemies thanks to the poison. Once you find the rhythm with the perfect draw, this dominates. Best used to get Hush.
5 years agoon PlayStation
pretty op
5 years agoon Xbox
This bow is amazing. I main this and Revoker and get at least 30 kills a game
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Xbox
This bow is super fun and rewarding in PvP. It takes a little finesse, but feels satisfying because of it. The poison scares people away, further delays their health regen with tick damage, and can creep up on people who aren't used to being hit by it. I pair it with a quickdraw hc and swap to that after the initial arrow.
5 years agoon Xbox
Just a terrific bow to use. Requires a little skill and very satisfying when you start spreading poison through entire mobs.
5 years agoon PlayStation
did you know that you run faster with this gun (lightweight frame) but it still does the amount of damage that a precision frame bow does (153)
5 years agoon Steam
A fantastic choice for most PvE content. The arrow itself does great damage as expected for a compound bow, but the poison ticks are pretty aggressive and can finish off most enemies, or outright kill a mob with one arrow.
5 years agoon Steam
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2 years ago

i belive i have the most kills with this weapon

2 years ago

Whenever I use this in PvP there's always that one guy who also picks it up or uses any other bow when they see me dominating with it. Quite funny how desperate people get when fighting this weapon.

Pairs good with a handcannon for clean ups, but I like shotguns so I can still defend myself at close range.

3 years ago

Anyone who says bows are crutches, are the same people that run META.

4 years ago

This weapon is the most broken crutch in the game for a player who has the patience to wield it. Best bow in the game if used right

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