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Arcology Engram
Contains a reward for your efforts at the New Pacific Arcology on Titan.
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

Lost Pacific MaskHelmet, Legendary

Lost Pacific GripsGauntlets, Legendary

Lost Pacific VestChest Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific StridesLeg Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific CapeHunter Cloak, Legendary

Lost Pacific HelmHelmet, Legendary

Lost Pacific GauntletsGauntlets, Legendary

Lost Pacific PlateChest Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific GreavesLeg Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific MarkTitan Mark, Legendary

Lost Pacific HelmetHelmet, Legendary

Lost Pacific GlovesGauntlets, Legendary

Lost Pacific RobesChest Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific BootsLeg Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific BondWarlock Bond, Legendary
Faction Gear

Lost Pacific GripsGauntlets, Legendary

Lost Pacific VestChest Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific CapeHunter Cloak, Legendary

Lost Pacific MaskHelmet, Legendary

Lost Pacific StridesLeg Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific GauntletsGauntlets, Legendary

Lost Pacific PlateChest Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific MarkTitan Mark, Legendary

Lost Pacific HelmHelmet, Legendary

Lost Pacific GreavesLeg Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific GlovesGauntlets, Legendary

Lost Pacific RobesChest Armor, Legendary

Lost Pacific BondWarlock Bond, Legendary

Lost Pacific HelmetHelmet, Legendary

Lost Pacific BootsLeg Armor, Legendary

New Pacific RushShader, Uncommon

New Pacific SinkShader, Uncommon
Faction Weapons

First In, Last OutShotgun, Legendary

Solemn HymnAuto Rifle, Legendary

Nox Echo IIIFusion Rifle, Legendary

Annual SkateHand Cannon, Legendary

Swift RidePulse Rifle, Legendary

HoosegowRocket Launcher, Legendary

Tone PatrolScout Rifle, Legendary

Dead Man WalkingSidearm, Legendary

A Single ClapSniper Rifle, Legendary

Foggy NotionSubmachine Gun, Legendary

Negative SpaceSword, Legendary
Additional Rewards

World Gear, Common
Version Log
Season 12Season of the Hunt
- Deleted -
Season 11Season of Arrivals
- Modified -
Season 9Season of Dawn
- Modified -
Season 8Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 5Season of the Forge: Black Armory
- Modified -
Season 4Destiny 2: Forsaken
- Modified -
Season 3Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind
- Added -
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