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Exotic Engram
An engram with a predestined outcome.
Contains a new Exotic if any of the possible rewards remain to be collected.
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

Assassin's CowlHelmet, Exotic

Mechaneer's TricksleevesGauntlets, Exotic

Raiden FluxChest Armor, Exotic

The Dragon's ShadowChest Armor, Exotic

FoetracerHelmet, Exotic

Lucky PantsLeg Armor, Exotic

Orpheus RigLeg Armor, Exotic

St0mp-EE5Leg Armor, Exotic

Aeon SwiftGauntlets, Exotic

Gemini JesterLeg Armor, Exotic

Ophidia SpatheChest Armor, Exotic

Wormhusk CrownHelmet, Exotic

Shards of GalanorGauntlets, Exotic

OathkeeperGauntlets, Exotic

The Sixth CoyoteChest Armor, Exotic

Gwisin VestChest Armor, Exotic

Liar's HandshakeGauntlets, Exotic

Young Ahamkara's SpineGauntlets, Exotic

Lucky RaspberryChest Armor, Exotic

Knucklehead RadarHelmet, Exotic

Celestial NighthawkHelmet, Exotic

Graviton ForfeitHelmet, Exotic

Shinobu's VowGauntlets, Exotic

Sealed Ahamkara GraspsGauntlets, Exotic

Fr0st-EE5Leg Armor, Exotic

Khepri's StingGauntlets, Exotic

The BombardiersLeg Armor, Exotic

Raiju's HarnessChest Armor, Exotic

Mask of BakrisHelmet, Exotic

Athrys's EmbraceGauntlets, Exotic

OmnioculusChest Armor, Exotic

Star-Eater ScalesLeg Armor, Exotic

Radiant Dance MachinesLeg Armor, Exotic

Renewal GraspsGauntlets, Exotic

Blight RangerHelmet, Exotic

Caliban's HandGauntlets, Exotic

Gyrfalcon's HauberkChest Armor, Exotic

Speedloader SlacksLeg Armor, Exotic

Cyrtarachne's FacadeHelmet, Exotic

Triton ViceGauntlets, Exotic

Mothkeeper's WrapsGauntlets, Exotic

Balance of PowerLeg Armor, Exotic

Gifted ConvictionChest Armor, Exotic

Mask of FealtyHelmet, Exotic

Doom Fang PauldronGauntlets, Exotic

SynthocepsGauntlets, Exotic

Hallowfire HeartChest Armor, Exotic

Mask of the Quiet OneHelmet, Exotic

Lion RampantLeg Armor, Exotic

PeacekeepersLeg Armor, Exotic

Aeon SafeGauntlets, Exotic

Khepri's HornHelmet, Exotic

Ashen WakeGauntlets, Exotic

Wormgod CaressGauntlets, Exotic

Heart of Inmost LightChest Armor, Exotic

Ursa FuriosaGauntlets, Exotic

One-Eyed MaskHelmet, Exotic

Antaeus WardsLeg Armor, Exotic

StrongholdGauntlets, Exotic

ACD/0 Feedback FenceGauntlets, Exotic

Crest of Alpha LupiChest Armor, Exotic

Actium War RigChest Armor, Exotic

An Insurmountable SkullfortHelmet, Exotic

DunemarchersLeg Armor, Exotic

Helm of Saint-14Helmet, Exotic

Mk. 44 Stand AsidesLeg Armor, Exotic

ArmamentariumChest Armor, Exotic

Eternal WarriorHelmet, Exotic

Peregrine GreavesLeg Armor, Exotic

Phoenix CradleLeg Armor, Exotic

Severance EnclosureChest Armor, Exotic

Citan's RampartsGauntlets, Exotic

Precious ScarsHelmet, Exotic

Icefall MantleGauntlets, Exotic

Cuirass of the Falling StarChest Armor, Exotic

The Path of Burning StepsLeg Armor, Exotic

No Backup PlansGauntlets, Exotic

Hoarfrost-ZChest Armor, Exotic

Loreley Splendor HelmHelmet, Exotic

Second ChanceGauntlets, Exotic

Point-Contact Cannon BraceGauntlets, Exotic

Cadmus Ridge LancecapHelmet, Exotic

Abeyant LeapLeg Armor, Exotic

Arbor WardenChest Armor, Exotic

Pyrogale GauntletsGauntlets, Exotic

Wishful IgnoranceGauntlets, Exotic

Hazardous PropulsionChest Armor, Exotic

Blastwave StridersLeg Armor, Exotic

Karnstein ArmletsGauntlets, Exotic

Winter's GuileGauntlets, Exotic

Wings of Sacred DawnChest Armor, Exotic

Crown of TempestsHelmet, Exotic

Eye of Another WorldHelmet, Exotic

Nezarec's SinHelmet, Exotic

Lunafaction BootsLeg Armor, Exotic

Aeon SoulGauntlets, Exotic

Vesper of RadiusChest Armor, Exotic

Sanguine AlchemyChest Armor, Exotic

Verity's BrowHelmet, Exotic

Chromatic FireChest Armor, Exotic

Contraverse HoldGauntlets, Exotic

Geomag StabilizersLeg Armor, Exotic

Getaway ArtistGauntlets, Exotic

Phoenix ProtocolChest Armor, Exotic

SunbracersGauntlets, Exotic

Starfire ProtocolChest Armor, Exotic

Skull of Dire AhamkaraHelmet, Exotic

Transversive StepsLeg Armor, Exotic

Ophidian AspectGauntlets, Exotic

The StagHelmet, Exotic

Claws of AhamkaraGauntlets, Exotic

Apotheosis VeilHelmet, Exotic

Astrocyte VerseHelmet, Exotic

Stormdancer's BraceChest Armor, Exotic

Promethium SpurLeg Armor, Exotic

Felwinter's HelmHelmet, Exotic

Dawn ChorusHelmet, Exotic

Necrotic GripGauntlets, Exotic

Mantle of Battle HarmonyChest Armor, Exotic

Boots of the AssemblerLeg Armor, Exotic

Nothing ManaclesGauntlets, Exotic

Osmiomancy GlovesGauntlets, Exotic

Secant FilamentsLeg Armor, Exotic

Rain of FireLeg Armor, Exotic

Fallen SunstarHelmet, Exotic

Ballidorse WrathweaversGauntlets, Exotic

SwarmersLeg Armor, Exotic

Cenotaph MaskHelmet, Exotic

BriarbindsGauntlets, Exotic

Speaker's SightHelmet, Exotic

MataiodoxĂaChest Armor, Exotic

Rime-coat RaimentChest Armor, Exotic
Version Log
Season 0
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 24Episode: Echoes
- Modified -
Season 23Season of the Wish
- Modified -
Season 22Season of the Witch
- Modified -
Season 21Season of the Deep
- Added -
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