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A thumbnail image depicting the Europa – 9.

Europa – 9

Your findings have been immortalized in the Book of the Forgotten!

Glint met the former Hidden agent in a sake bar called the Drunken Noodle. He had agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity and was already drunk when Glint arrived. "Man, they can say whatever they want. I saw what I saw," the man affirmed. He motioned to the proprietor for another pitcher. "They always tell you: report everything. No detail too small. You never know what matters most." "Buncha bullcrap," he grumbled. "I saw what I saw." "A Headless One," Glint prompted, struggling to contain his excitement. "What?" the man asked. "No! It had a head, that's what I'm saying! Haven't you been listening?" He lurched to his feet. Nearby diners began to whisper and point. "It had a big, smiling pumpkin head!" he shouted belligerently. "With three eyes! And purple flames shooting out of it!" The bar fell silent. The man suddenly felt everyone staring. "I SAW WHAT I SAW, DAMN IT!"

Version Log

Season 0
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Season 15Season of the Lost
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