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LegendaryPulse Rifle Strand
Read Lore
do you hear us YOU WANTED POWER It is not for you. W E H A V E A T A S K F O R Y O U FIND THE WORTHY. BRING THEM. three keys THREE ARE REQUIRED Show them. E M P H A S I Z E I T EVERYTHING DIES. THEY ARE NO EXCEPTION. we're immortals, they'll say C O R R E C T. And yet, who dies more than they do? N O N E only when they accept this can they be born anew BE RELENTLESS.
Select Activity Type
Competitive PvP
- Competitive PvP
- Quickplay PvP
- Competitive Co-Op
- Iron Banner
- Trials of Osiris
- PvE
- Crucible
Select Game Mode
- Breakthrough
- Clash: Competitive
- Control: Competitive
- Rift
- Showdown
- Survival
Select Map
- Altar of Flame
- The Burnout
- Distant Shore
- The Dead Cliffs
- Endless Vale
- Javelin-4
- Pacifica
- Meltdown
- Bannerfall
- Firebase Echo
- Wormhaven
- Convergence
- Radiant Cliffs
- Equinox
- Legion's Gulch
- Emperor's Respite
- Midtown
- The Citadel
- Retribution
- The Fortress
- Solitude
- Vostok
- Gambler's Ruin
PvP Insights
Usage 0.451% #64
Kills 0.733% #44
Headshots 1.03% #29
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.
Impact | 33 | |
Range | 55 | |
Stability | 49 | |
Handling | 24 | |
Reload Speed | 36 | |
Rounds/Min | 340 | |
Magazine | 27 |
Aim Assistance | 39 | |
Airborne Effectiveness | 10 | |
Inventory Size | 40 | |
Recoil Direction | 65 | |
Zoom | 18 |
Version Log
Season 0
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 24Episode: Echoes
- Modified -
Season 23Season of the Wish
- Added -
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