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An in-game render of the Buzzard.
A thumbnail image depicting the Buzzard.


LegendarySidearm Kinetic
Review Rating
Circle 'round, great harbinger of death.

"This is foolish," Mithrax says, empty hands spread. The Trostland forest had been quiet until three Eliksni jumped from their hiding places with weapons sparking with Arc energy. Two Dregs and a Vandal. They bear House Salvation's sigil. "Misraaks, the Forsaken," one Dreg clicks, brandishing a spear. "Come to kill us?" "No," he says, staring them down. "I will not harm you." "You lie like a Human." Mithrax sees the shift of the spear in the Dreg's hands the moment before he lunges. The Kell avoids its thrust and grips the Dreg by his head, slamming it into the ground with a hard crack. The Vandal draws a sidearm. Mithrax rushes him, grabs him by the wrist, and wrenches the gun upward. The Vandal's lower hand jabs a knife in the soft flesh between Mithrax's carapace. He barely feels it—the Kell of Light puts a hand around his attacker's throat and squeezes the life from him. The third flees. Mithrax lets him. The Kell pulls the knife from his side and drops it among the pine needles, pressing a hand to his wound. Perhaps, when all the violence was done, the future he could give the Eliksni would be worth it. Would justify everything he had done. Every death, every act of cruelty… or kindness. Or love. He knows that Eramis hoped for the same. For now, Mithrax can only leave the two Eliksni where they lie. He will come back later for their funeral rites.

PvP Insights

Item Statistics

Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

Reload Speed
Aim Assistance
Airborne Effectiveness
Inventory Size
Recoil Direction94

Version Log

Season 0
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Season 24Episode: Echoes
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Season 23Season of the Wish
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Season 22Season of the Witch
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Season 21Season of the Deep
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Season 20Season of Defiance
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Season 19Season of the Seraph
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Season 18Season of the Plunder
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Season 17Season of the Haunted
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Season 16Season of the Risen
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Season 15Season of the Lost
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Season 14Season of the Splicer
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Season 13Season of the Chosen
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Season 12Season of the Hunt
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Season 11Season of Arrivals
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Season 10Season of the Worthy
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Season 9Season of Dawn
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5 years agoon Xbox
I love this gun for crucible. Great for clean-ups or even short range dueling. Sidearm mods make it even more fun
5 years agoon Xbox
5 years agoon Steam
pretty good as destroying stuff. it isnt recluse, but then again, nothing is. use swashbuckler and outlaw, and destroy ads
5 years agoon Steam
automatically turns my guardian into john wick
5 years agoon PlayStation
This gun should be voted much higher. Sidearms dont get a ton of love, and for the most part are not in my rotation of weapons. Until now! This gun is perfect in many ways. Unique perk, fast loading perk, damage boost perk. This gives you plenty of ways to play. In addition to its usefulness hit hits really hard on most content. I probably wont bring it into a raid because of its range but an awesome gun to break up the usual suspects.
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
Not that i've played with many adaptive frame sidearms but hey it's the closest thing to a jakobs revolver you can get in this game
5 years agoon Xbox
breachlight is just a better option imo, the only reason you should use this over breachlight is if you dont have a good roll, its also very easy to get but this thing will be staying in my vault for eternity
5 years agoon Xbox
I like it.
5 years agoon Steam
Extremely versatile and fun to use.
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon PlayStation
5 years agoon Xbox
5 years agoon Xbox
5 years agoon PlayStation
I slay with this thing in PVP, have taken it into the Garden Raid and any other PVE situations and it performs about as well as SMG not named recluse did last season. Probably the most versatile gun I can think of, given the swashbuckling and osmosis and the what not
5 years agoon PlayStation
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon PlayStation
why does everyone say sidearms are good? just because their are like two mods for side arms doesn't mean this is good
5 years agoon Steam
Kenetic Rattler....makes u feel like a Ninja. Fun to pair it with the Apostate Sniper bc they both have silencers.
5 years agoon Steam
5 years agoon Steam
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