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A thumbnail image depicting the Legion Lost – 13.

Legion Lost – 13

Your findings have been immortalized in the Book of the Forgotten!

Earth was war-wounded, Light-devoured. The Legion-Lost grasped victories where they could; Ungoverned, burned in spirit, borne bitterly, They fought with honor until honor fled them. Here was how they found first-death, where The Legion-Lost moved forward to their curse: They found an enemy too fierce for them to fell. Cornered, cowed, the Legion-Lost made To take to great caves and hidden places. A final stand made to hoard their honor. Life-given, broken, made to suffer, They saw their end before them. Like a wild war beast the Light-eater descended, The Legion-Lost dealt defeat by their hands.

Version Log

Season 0
  • Modified -
Season 18Season of the Plunder
  • Added -


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