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A thumbnail image depicting the Open a Gateway.

Open a Gateway

LegendaryGlobal Quest
Osiris believes you've impacted the timeline. Whether that's true or not, he's picked up a distress signal from Saint-14's Ghost emanating from inside the Vex Gate Network. Osiris suspects there is a gateway to the network on Nessus. Head there and find a way inside.


1. Return to Osiris

Speak to Osiris—the Sundial should be ready for use.

  • Speak with Osiris: 0/1

2. Open a Gateway

Osiris believes you've impacted the timeline. Whether that's true or not, he's picked up a distress signal from Saint-14's Ghost emanating from inside the Vex Gate Network. Osiris suspects there is a gateway to the network on Nessus. Head there and find a way inside.

  • Transponders planted: 0/6

3. Saint's Ghost

The Vex transponders you planted have detected a network signal at the Pools of Luminance at the Cistern. Head there and see if you can open a gateway to the Vex network on Nessus.

  • Saint-14's Ghost found: 0/1

4. Return to Osiris

You've found Saint-14's dead Ghost. Return to Osiris.

  • Speak with Osiris: 0/1

5. Recharging the Sundial

Collect Light to recharge the Sundial by defeating opposing Guardians in Crucible or Gambit modes, getting kills with your Super, and collecting Orbs of Light.

  • Guardians: 0/25
  • Super ability: 0/25
  • Orbs of Light: 0/25

6. Return to the Sundial

Prepare for another trip through the Sundial and return to Osiris.

  • Speak with Osiris: 0/1

7. Back to the Past

Return to the past and succeed where Osiris failed.

  • Corridors of Time Part 2 completed: 0/1

8. Open the Gate

Return to the Sundial and open the Infinite Forest Gate for Saint-14. His years-long journey is finally over.

  • Open the Gate completed: 0/1

9. Journey's End

Your journey through time has come to an end. Osiris will want to speak with you.

  • Speak with Osiris: 0/1

Version Log

Season 10Season of the Worthy
  • Deleted -
Season 9Season of Dawn
  • Modified -
  • Added -


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