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A thumbnail image depicting the Findings of Eido – 21.

Findings of Eido – 21

Your findings have been immortalized in the Book of the Forgotten!

The Findings of Eido, Scribe of House Light, Regarding the Beings Known as the Headless Ones (Cont'd) "…from which I can conclude that the pumpkin was a type of sentient gourd that contained eyes and a mouth. Sometimes a single eye, and sometimes the less unsettling four eyes. Whether these gourds were killed, cooked, and eaten is a… point of debate. Perhaps after a time, they were angered at being hunted for food and eventually turned on their predators. But then, if I am reading this pre-Golden Age primary source correctly, certain religious festivals were devoted to rearing the heaviest pumpkin. Perhaps these pumpkins were instead used as guides to traverse the Hall Between? Though I still do not understand how a gourd could attain locomotion."

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Season 18Season of the Plunder
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