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Exotic Engram
An engram with a predestined outcome.
Contains a new Exotic if any of the possible rewards remain to be collected.
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.

Monte CarloAuto Rifle, Exotic
Exotic Gear

Exotic Weapons, Common

Exotic Armor, Common
Featured Contents

Monte CarloAuto Rifle, Exotic

ArbalestLinear Fusion Rifle, Exotic

ThunderlordMachine Gun, Exotic

Cerberus+1Auto Rifle, Exotic

Trinity GhoulCombat Bow, Exotic

Two-Tailed FoxRocket Launcher, Exotic

Black TalonSword, Exotic

WavesplitterTrace Rifle, Exotic

The QueenbreakerLinear Fusion Rifle, Exotic

Lord of WolvesShotgun, Exotic

Raiju's HarnessChest Armor, Exotic

The BombardiersLeg Armor, Exotic

Khepri's StingGauntlets, Exotic

Liar's HandshakeGauntlets, Exotic

Gwisin VestChest Armor, Exotic

Ophidia SpatheChest Armor, Exotic

Sealed Ahamkara GraspsGauntlets, Exotic

Gemini JesterLeg Armor, Exotic

FoetracerHelmet, Exotic

Lucky RaspberryChest Armor, Exotic

Citan's RampartsGauntlets, Exotic

Severance EnclosureChest Armor, Exotic

Peregrine GreavesLeg Armor, Exotic

StrongholdGauntlets, Exotic

One-Eyed MaskHelmet, Exotic

Antaeus WardsLeg Armor, Exotic

Ashen WakeGauntlets, Exotic

Eternal WarriorHelmet, Exotic

Helm of Saint-14Helmet, Exotic

Actium War RigChest Armor, Exotic

Felwinter's HelmHelmet, Exotic

Promethium SpurLeg Armor, Exotic

Astrocyte VerseHelmet, Exotic

Getaway ArtistGauntlets, Exotic

Phoenix ProtocolChest Armor, Exotic

Geomag StabilizersLeg Armor, Exotic

Claws of AhamkaraGauntlets, Exotic

Ophidian AspectGauntlets, Exotic

Vesper of RadiusChest Armor, Exotic

Skull of Dire AhamkaraHelmet, Exotic
Version Log
Season 0
- Modified -
Season 21Season of the Deep
- Added -
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