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Exotic Engram
An engram with remarkable encoding markers. A Cryptarch would be thrilled to decode this to reveal its true nature.
Item Statistics
Selecting weapon perks and mods can alter the stats shown below.
Exotic Gear

Young Ahamkara's SpineGauntlets, Exotic

Mechaneer's TricksleevesGauntlets, Exotic

Raiden FluxChest Armor, Exotic

Lucky RaspberryChest Armor, Exotic

The Dragon's ShadowChest Armor, Exotic

Knucklehead RadarHelmet, Exotic

Celestial NighthawkHelmet, Exotic

FoetracerHelmet, Exotic

Lucky PantsLeg Armor, Exotic

Orpheus RigLeg Armor, Exotic

St0mp-EE5Leg Armor, Exotic

ACD/0 Feedback FenceGauntlets, Exotic

Doom Fang PauldronGauntlets, Exotic

SynthocepsGauntlets, Exotic

Crest of Alpha LupiChest Armor, Exotic

Actium War RigChest Armor, Exotic

Hallowfire HeartChest Armor, Exotic

An Insurmountable SkullfortHelmet, Exotic

Mask of the Quiet OneHelmet, Exotic

Lion RampantLeg Armor, Exotic

PeacekeepersLeg Armor, Exotic

DunemarchersLeg Armor, Exotic

SunbracersGauntlets, Exotic

Karnstein ArmletsGauntlets, Exotic

Winter's GuileGauntlets, Exotic

Starfire ProtocolChest Armor, Exotic

Wings of Sacred DawnChest Armor, Exotic

Skull of Dire AhamkaraHelmet, Exotic

Crown of TempestsHelmet, Exotic

Eye of Another WorldHelmet, Exotic

Nezarec's SinHelmet, Exotic

Transversive StepsLeg Armor, Exotic

Lunafaction BootsLeg Armor, Exotic

Aeon SwiftGauntlets, Exotic

Gemini JesterLeg Armor, Exotic

Shinobu's VowGauntlets, Exotic

Graviton ForfeitHelmet, Exotic

Aeon SafeGauntlets, Exotic

Khepri's HornHelmet, Exotic

Helm of Saint-14Helmet, Exotic

Mk. 44 Stand AsidesLeg Armor, Exotic

Aeon SoulGauntlets, Exotic

Vesper of RadiusChest Armor, Exotic

Ophidian AspectGauntlets, Exotic

The StagHelmet, Exotic

Vigilance WingPulse Rifle, Exotic

Graviton LancePulse Rifle, Exotic

Skyburner's OathScout Rifle, Exotic

RiskrunnerSubmachine Gun, Exotic

SunshotHand Cannon, Exotic

MercilessFusion Rifle, Exotic

Fighting LionGrenade Launcher, Exotic

The ProspectorGrenade Launcher, Exotic

Tractor CannonShotgun, Exotic

D.A.R.C.I.Sniper Rifle, Exotic

The Wardcliff CoilRocket Launcher, Exotic

Hard LightAuto Rifle, Exotic

Prometheus LensTrace Rifle, Exotic

The ColonyGrenade Launcher, Exotic

CrimsonHand Cannon, Exotic

TelestoFusion Rifle, Exotic

The Jade RabbitScout Rifle, Exotic
Version Log
Season 13Season of the Chosen
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 11Season of Arrivals
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Season 9Season of Dawn
- Modified -
Season 8Destiny 2: Shadowkeep
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 7Season of the Opulence: Penumbra
- Modified -
Season 6Season of the Drifter: Joker's Wild
- Modified -
Season 5Season of the Forge: Black Armory
- Modified -
- Modified -
Season 4Destiny 2: Forsaken
- Modified -
Season 3Destiny 2 Expansion II: Warmind
- Modified -
Season 2Destiny 2 Expansion I: Curse of Osiris
- Modified -
- Modified -
- Modified -
- Added -
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